10 Tips to Keep Your Family Safe Online


Secure your home Wi-Fi network

Your home Wi-fi permits your children to access the internet from everywhere your house, that makes it harder for you to stay an eye on them. If it’s not secured, intruders would possibly use your bandwidth, or worse, compromise your network security by infecting your computer with malware or causing their malware attacks from your system. therefore what to do? confirm your Wi-Fi extremely secured: use a powerful word for your router enable wireless encryption to stop strangers from “seeing” your network and prohibit access to that.

Phishing for Data

Another purpose to discuss together with your family is their attitude towards suspicious online behaviour. one among the numerous ways in which members of the family will infect others with malware is to fall for phishing scams. once they see an email that comes from an untrustworthy source, it goes without saying: don’t to click it or download any attachments. (The possibilities they need to be won the lottery are slim, particularly if they never entered it within the 1st place.) it’s crucial that they do not trust links included within these emails.

A good recommendation is to encourage your family to use a unique email for looking activities or social media accounts, and another for business, personal or banking functions. And, of course, use totally different passwords for every of your email accounts.

Use a password management system

Passwords are the first defence against hackers for many people and it’s no secret that it’s typically a flimsy one. Bolster your defence with a password management program. better of all, this way you only got to keep in mind one password.

One of the foremost important online threats is leaving your personal accounts vulnerable to unscrupulous people. Your best line of defence is to make secure passwords that are close to not possible to crack. Of course, remembering multiple, hard to guess passwords is troublesome and is commonly the reason why most of the people don’t follow such recommendation.

A lot of web users think a straightforward word like “password” or “123456” is sweet enough. These are simply hackable passwords that you simply ought to avoid at the least prices. Instead, you would like to create positive your members of the family totally perceive the importance of exploitation robust passwords for all of their online accounts.

A combination of higher and lower case letters, symbols and numbers are smart and no password ought to be used for more than one account; this way, even if a hacker gains access to at least one of your accounts, they won’t be ready to gain access to others.

There are password managers, like LastPass or 1Password, that assist you to generate robust passwords while safely storing them. although using a password book or writing down your passwords is a simple thanks to keeping track, it is disastrous if it gets into the wrong hands. it’s conjointly commonly counselled within the security community that everybody updates his or her passwords on a daily basis for further safety.

Keep social networks secure

There’s a decent chance that a minimum of one person in your home is on a social network. sadly, social networks became a draw for cybercriminals. Keep an in depth eye on your friends’ social network accounts. If somebody messages you who hasn’t done this in a while, then be suspicious. Your friend’s account could are hacked.

On social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, it’s common to reveal personal info, however, be aware this might be exploited. you must educate your relatives and kids on the way to modify social media privacy settings to make sure they don’t expose their personal life online.

Be frank and inform your youngsters on why they shouldn’t reveal their address or telephone number to strangers or post sensitive information online. help raise their awareness of the risks related to talking to strangers, or worse, arranging to meet with them. though the web—social media in particular—can provide an excellent variety of advantages to us, it’s essential to understand the way to safely handle your personal info to boost online privacy.

Ensure safe live online gaming for your kids

Live online games, like Xbox Live, enable children or teens to interact with their friends during a fun method, however, may expose them to net security dangers such as bullying, harassment, and predators. make sure your child doesn’t reveal his identity while enjoying games – have him use a nickname and an avatar; monitor his play and always check who he’s enjoying with; activate the protection measures within the game consoles – use the parental controls they offer.

Download and install software from trusted sources only

Free games, music, movies etc. are up for download everywhere the net. they’re also terribly tempting for youngsters. however, a number of them contain spyware and different varieties of malware that may compromise your whole family’s web security. build a list of trustworthy downloading sources and have your whole family stick with it. Also, browse carefully the licence agreement before putting in a brand new piece of a software system and confirm your children ask for your permission before they download or install something.

Don’t give out personal information to strangers.

This may look like common sense, however, ne’er provide out your bank info to somebody you don’t know. There is a lot of scams and it’s straightforward to induce caught up in the cash being offered to you. If it sounds too smart to be true, it most likely is. as well as bank info, it’s dangerous to allow your address and full name to strangers. This info will aid them in stealing your identity. 

Look for https:// in the URLs of the websites you make online transactions from.

“S” in “https” stands for “secure” and should appear in every bank or online shop address. If the family member is a keen online shopper, advise them to always look for this internet security sign and shop from trusted sources. If they find a new cool online shop, have them research it. Also, if you/

Keep all your computer programs up-to-date.

The out-dated software package has security holes that may simply be exploited by hackers and viruses. That’s why you’ve got to create certain that each one the programs on the devices you and your family go online from is up-to-date. A Vulnerability Scanner, like the one in BullGuard net Security, will spot the out-dated software versions and notice the needed updates. they bank or shop from your home Wi-fi, confirm it’s secured

Back up every important file on your computer.

You ne’er recognize once your computer would possibly break down, whether or not due to malware attacks or some silly accident. you have got to create certain that each important item on it stays safe and sound. as well as your precious family photos of your youngsters growing up, family anniversaries and holidays

Top 5 Business Trends That will Shape the World in 2018

business trends

Blockchain’s Interruption Of New Industries

Blockchain has already created an enormous impact on the industry, and this year, it’ll build its method into new industries. Everything from procurement to legal management is looking to blockchain to extend security throughout the whole client experience.
Talking regarding Bitcoin, it’s still a significant hurdle that needs correct handling. it’s not energy efficient, and folks have already started performing on it. within the coming back years, there’ll be solutions to form cryptocurrencies a real difference to the standard cash

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

We’ve been hearing about Artificial intelligence technology for a while currently. although not new, AI’s impact will be felt more and more within the manner we have a tendency to do business. according to a PwC study, 72 per cent of business leaders surveyed deemed AI a “business advantage.” a similar study discovered that executives were trying to AI to assist with repetitive, menial tasks such as paperwork (82 per cent), programming (79 per cent) and time sheets (78 per cent).

While corporations like Google, Spotify, Microsoft, IBM and different tech giants are all in on the AI game, of course, some observers worry that that technology can build business processes less personalised. the fact, however, is that AI is capable of enriching human interaction by removing mundane tasks and serving to enhance client content delivery, to a highly-personalized level.

Taking away those mundane tasks opens the door for the creative arts, personalised items customers are demanding.


Banking models are all set to take a radical shift. Since Millennials wish to bank wherever and whenever they need, it doesn’t regulate with the normal banking model. Digital banking goes to replace the normal brick-and-mortar banking solution with a technological first-mindset. it’ll grow to quite a pair of billion users by 2020. In short, you’ll carry your bank or wallet in your phone.

With the professionals comes the cons, Mobile banking can bring cyber attacks on its means. quite an hour of consumers are managing their bank accounts on the phone. With the increasing variety of users, the possibilities for cyber attacks can increase.

Live Streaming Video Content Will be the Emerging Trends

In the past few years, we’ve seen that video itself has become an important part of successful businesses. Customers wish real connection; they’re finished the impersonal and generic marketing. So, live video is that the trend that may have interaction you along with your audience.
With the expansion of smartphones, the video is one in all the best styles of media way to build your brand. once your brand is in a position to create a true connection with the audience, it’ll undoubtedly have the ability to rise in associate exponential kind. Live video will offer several businesses a face and a soul, permitting businesses to face themselves with their competitors.

Whether it’s running B2B webinars, streaming a product launch and products reviews, or giving Q&A sessions, live videos are getting an elementary a part of a business promoting strategy.

A research showed that eightieth of audiences notice it convenient to look at videos instead of reading long blogs and articles.

In 2018, businesses WHO decide to devote resources to measure streaming videos can dominate their industries

Customer’s Security for Personal Data

In 2018, the additional focus is on providing customers security with their personal information. it’s continuously a nasty call to trust online businesses without correct research, and lots of individuals ignore the research half and thus lose their personal information.

Many businesses that are hacked have improved and raised consumer awareness. they make it some extent to clarify to the consumer the danger of exposing themselves on a routine.

Small businesses ought to concentrate on reversing the data structure, enabling you to stay all of your personal data on your smartphone and only shaping it on your device. this suggests that you simply hold onto your information, even whereas it’s making ready constant processes and selections it’s continuously created

cybersecurity concerns for 2018

Digital Security

In May 2017 we saw the latest cyber threats. WannaCry ransomware attack, targeting computers running Windows operating system. Infected computers are frozen and display a big message, “Oops, your files have been encrypted!”. A total of 53,081 cyber crimes were reported in 2017, according to the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team.

1. Crypto jacking “gold rush”

Cryptojacking activity began exploding toward the top of 2017 and that we suspect that we’ll see much more activity in 2018, notably because the price of cryptocurrencies escalates. What makes this type of activity fascinating is, however, it’s created an indistinct line between the everyday net user and therefore the cybercriminal. a personal mining cryptocurrency may okay be mining for his or her own pocketbook, supported guests to their own net properties. there’s conjointly an awfully doubtless probability among those circumstances that disclosed crypto jacking activity may replace advertising on sites to become a completely new revenue stream. However, the biggest portion of crypto jacking is probably going to occur from legitimate websites compromised to mine currency for the criminal pocketbook. Regardless, crypto jacking is one in each of the criminal activities to observe in 2018.

2. We see an increase in power shell-based attacks

Earlier this year, Microsoft had used the computer information in Saudi Arabia to get a computer from Microsoft. More attacks on the device depending on the attacking scripts, rather than recovering a binary payload, communicate to the compromised websites that serve as proxy servers of the command server. This harmful script-based attack is particularly difficult to identify the attacks based on PowerShell. Antivirus engines can be easily avoided by giving more attractive to cybercriminals. I foretell for more years of upheaval attacks.

3. Cyber-Criminals underground development will continue to evolve

It looks that we have a tendency to square measure about to be thrown into cyber attacks daily. it’ll not curtail in 2018. In fact, with a recent increase in cybercriminal tools and a lower threshold of information needed to hold out attacks, the pool of cybercriminals can solely increase. This growth may be a probable response to print media and popular culture advertising the profit and success that law-breaking has become. Ransomware alone was a $1 billion trade last year. the connection the planet of law-breaking isn’t any longer taboo because the stigma of those activities diminishes in components of the planet. To many, it’s merely a “good” business call. At constant time, those already established as “top-players” in law-breaking can increase their aggressive defence of their criminal territories, areas of operations and revenue streams. we have a tendency to may very well begin to envision international law-breaking businesses undertake merger and acquisition methods and real-world violence to more secure and grow their revenue pipeline.

4. Security Software There will be a goal behind it

In 2018, cybercriminals will exploit more security software at targets. By targeting reliable programs, software and hardware distribution packages, attackers will be able to control devices and manage users deliberately. Hackers will also influence and exploit security products to directly infringe agents on the endpoint or redirect to cloud traffic to get their routes. As these cases are more commonly known, the public and business views of security software, especially antivirus solutions, are getting worse.

5. More cybercriminals use worms to start the malware

In 2017, we have a tendency to saw WannaCry and Trickbot use worm practicality to unfold malware. additional malware families can use this system in 2018 as a result of network compromise from worms unfold quicker than several alternative strategies. If hackers will understand the way to use worms while not being too noisy (an ancient downfall of this approach), this manoeuvre will amass an outsized variety of victims terribly quickly.

Most Common WEB Security Vulnerabilities


Even the most experienced IT chief and web security expert must stay vigilant and guard against the bad guys. No one is safe without knowing what to look out for. Here are six of the most common security vulnerabilities you must protect yourself against.

1.SQL Injections

SQL injection is a type of web application security vulnerability in which an attacker attempts to use application code to access or corrupt database content. If successful, this allows the attacker to create, read, update, alter, or delete data stored in the back-end database. SQL injection is one of the most prevalent types of web application security vulnerabilities 

2.Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) targets an application’s users by injecting code, usually a client-side script such as JavaScript, into a web application’s output. The concept of XSS is to manipulate client-side scripts of a web application to execute in the manner desired by the attacker. XSS allows attackers to execute scripts in the victim’s browser which can hijack user sessions, deface websites, or redirect the user to malicious sites.

3.Broken Authentication & Session Management

Broken authentication and session management encompass several security issues, all of them having to do with maintaining the identity of a user. If authentication credentials and session identifiers are not protected at all times an attacker can hijack an active session and assume the identity of a user.

4.Insecure Direct Object References

Insecure direct object reference is when a web application exposes a reference to an internal implementation object. Internal implementation objects include files, database records, directories, and database keys. When an application exposes a reference to one of these objects in a URL hackers can manipulate it to gain access to a user’s personal data

5.Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration encompasses several types of vulnerabilities all centered on a lack of maintenance or a lack of attention to the web application configuration. A secure configuration must be defined and deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web server, database server, and platform. Security misconfiguration gives hackers access to private data or features and can result in a complete system compromise.

6.Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a malicious attack where a user is tricked into performing an action he or she didn’t intend to do. A third-partywebsite will send a request to a web application that a user is already authenticated against (e.g. their bank). The attacker can then access functionality via the victim’s already authenticated browser. Targets include web applications like social media, in browser email clients, online banking, and web interfaces for network devices.

Courtesy: https://www.commonplaces.com/blog/6-common-website-security-vulnerabilities/

Blogger: http://aywenz.blogspot.in/2018/05/most-common-web-security-vulnerabilities.html

What is Pharming Attack?

pharming attack

Pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to fraudulent Web sites without their knowledge or consent. Pharming has been called “phishing without a lure.”

In phishing, the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking e-mails, appearing to come from some of the Web’s most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. But in pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be victimized because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim. In one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. The host files convert URLs into the number strings that the computer uses to access Web sites. A computer with a compromised host file will go to the fake Web site even if a user types in the correct Internet address or clicks on an affected bookmark entry. Some spyware removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequently recurs unless the user changes browsing habits.

A particularly ominous pharming tactic is known as domain name system poisoning (DNS poisoning), in which the domain name system table in a server is modified so that someone who thinks they are accessing legitimate Web sites is actually directed toward fraudulent ones. In this method of pharming, individual personal computer host files need not be corrupted. Instead, the problem occurs in the DNS server, which handles thousands or millions of Internet users’ requests for URLs. Victims end up at the bogus site without any visible indicator of a discrepancy. Spyware removal programs cannot deal with this type of pharming because nothing need be technically wrong with the end users’ computers.

Another form of pharming,known as gene pharming(unrelated to the Internet form of pharming)is a biotechnological process in which the DNA of an animal is altered so the animal produces human proteins for pharmaceutical use.The proteins appear in the blood,eggs,or milk of the animal.This has been done with livestock to produce several useful drugs.

Courtesy: https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/pharming

Blogger: http://aywenz.blogspot.in/2018/05/what-is-pharming-attack.html

10 Easy Ways to protect Debit Card


Would you give a thief direct access to your checking account or savings account? Unfortunately, you’re doing just that by using your debit card carelessly.With credit cards, you can flag suspicious charges on your bill and decline the charges before making your final payment. On the other hand, debit cards take money directly from your account, which makes them juicy targets for cash-hungry fraudsters.Protect yourself from skimming, phishing, and other forms of fraud by following these tips:

1. Regularly update the contact information (i.e. mobile number, e-mail, address, etc.) that you gave to the bank. This will make it faster for the bank to notify you of any suspicious transactions.

2. Prevent hackers from getting access to your personal/sensitive information. Read more: After the COMELEC  Data Leak: 4 Ways to Stop Hackers from Getting Your Data

3. Be smart with online transactions. Shop with credible merchants and look for secure transaction symbols like the “lock” icon on your browser. Avoid using public hotspots for online payments.

4. Regularly check your account balance and transaction history. If you see anything suspicious, immediately report it to the bank.

5. Take note of the emergency hotline/customer service number at the back of your card and call it immediately in case your card gets stolen.

6. If you’re planning to use your card abroad, let the bank know your travel dates and destination.

7. Watch out for anything suspicious on the ATM. Shake the card reader (where you insert your card) to ensure that there are no foreign objects attached to it. Check the pin pad if there are any hidden cameras or false key pads. If anything looks crooked, loose, or damaged, it might have been tampered.

8. Be vigilant of your surroundings when approaching and using an ATM. Make it a habit to cover your hand and pin pad as you enter your PIN on the ATM.

9. Never share your ATM PIN to anyone.

10. If you receive a new card, make sure to destroy your old one. Make sure to cut across the magnetic strip and destroy the chip.

Courtesy: https://www.securitybank.com/blog/10-ways-to-protect-yourself-against-debit-card-fraud/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aywenzit/
Blogger: https://aywenz.blogspot.in/

New ATMJackpot Malware To Steal Your Money From ATMs Machine


New Malware called ATM Jackpot that is capable of dispensing large amounts of cash from the ATM Machine using ATM Jack potting method.Previously discovered ATM Jack potting compromise the ATM by installing the malicious software and sophisticated hardware to pull out the cash.

Based on the Binary, researchers discovered this ATM malware originated from Hong Kong as 28th March 2018.A few Months before sophisticated ATM skimming called “Shimmers” targeted chip-based credit and Debit cards to steal your entire card information form POS(Point-of-sale) terminal. Also, Attackers inject an another ATM Malware called Ploutus.D inject into the ATM machine and performing various Task.

This newly Spreading ATM  has a smaller footprint with a kind of small simple graphical user interface.This interface contains host name along with the service provider information such as cash dispenser, PIN pad, and card reader information.

How ATMJackpot Malware Works?

  1. The ATMJackpot  first registers the windows class name ‘WIN’ with a window procedure that is responsible for all of the activity.
  2. After registering a window class, it creates the window, populates the options on the window, and initiates the connection with the XFS manager.
  3. After initiating a connection with the XFS manager, the malware opens the session with the service providers and registers to monitor the events. opens a session with CDM (cash dispenser), IDC (card reader) and PIN (pin pad) service providers.

After successful registration, It can monitor the events from different service providers and execute the commands.


  • It reads the data from PIN pad asynchronously using WFSAsyncExecute API call.
  • It has the functionality to dispense cash.
  • It also has the functionality to eject the card.

The ATMJackpotting technique are on rise in cyber crime activities. All banks should be concerned about ATM’s security. There are many ATM machine runs on Windows XP Operating system which is responsible to hack by cyber criminals easily. Microsoft had end the support for Windows XP in 2014.

courtesy: https://bit.ly/2H4QxVB

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